How do I obtain copies of a motor vehicle accident report?
Accident reports that are completed by the Rensselaer Police Department are usually ready for pick-up in 3-5 business days. You may call the police department prior to coming to the police station to inquire the status of a report. Accident reports are free of charge for those involved.
How do I obtain copies of police reports?
To obtain a police report, you must fill out a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request, stop at the police station to request one. Depending on the information requested, the request may take several days. A member of the police department will contact you with the results of your request.
Court appearances, fines and Uniform Traffic Tickets
All questions regarding these issues should be directed to the Rensselaer City Court (518)462-6751. The police do not have the authority to adjust court appearances or determine or collect fines.
How do I contact a member of the Rensselaer Police Department?
Anyone who wishes to speak with an officer can contact the police department's non-emergency phone number (518)462-7451. If the officer is not available, a message will be left to contact you.
I need fingerprints taken for a job application, adoption proceedings, etc. Can the Rensselaer Police Department help?
Yes, during normal business hours, 9AM to 5PM, or call (518) 462-7451 for an appointment.